Monday, January 3, 2011

For Cobs much as I do love the facebook community, I must say that blogging is something I have become more and more fond of. Not writing or 'posting' myself, but rather reading about others and sharing in their daily stories and wonderful 'finds'. But most importantly, months ago I told Coby I would give it a  here it goes!

The last few months have been a big roller coaster.
After marrying Robbiekins six months ago,

and then traveling for work for a few months, I then was faced with my hardest challenge yet. I just lost my best friend, my grandma, my B, on Christmas eve this year. The last 10 days have been so hard, and its even harder to wake up each morning remembering to exhale. I went with my uncle 'Buckle' to pick up B's ashes today and visit with her best friend, Mary Lou. Remembering her in many different lights is the only thing that makes grieving a little bit lighter. Tomorrow I have to head back to work, and I'm not sure I know how to get back to real life after living in survival mode for the last 2 months in ICU after B's surgery.

 My B & I - Christmas Eve 2009

The next few months and years to come, I will make it my duty to keep her spirit, her thoughts, her family values and faith alive. Life lives through us, and though I don't believe time will heal this wound,
 I believe that this raw emotional will keep her with me always.

Buckle, B, and I- After my bridal shower, April 2010

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